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0800 389 4448
Become Foster Carer
Join Family First Fostering
Meet Us Here: 413 High Street, Stratford, London, E15 4QZ.
0800 389 4448
Join Family First Fostering
There are at any one time more than 75,000 children in the UK in the care system and as the population grows so does the number of children requiring foster homes. Choosing to become a foster parent and deciding to give something back to society can be a wonderful but often daunting experience with many people not knowing where to start.
Fostering is a way of providing a stable family life for children and young people, who are unable to live with their parents at a point in time. This allows children the chance to thrive in a safe, secure, loving and caring home environment with foster carers. The children and young people placed with foster carers are from a diverse range of backgrounds and will display different behaviour depending upon their various experiences.
Many children crave a loving and caring environment where they can flourish and have their individual needs met. However, what you can expect is that, as with any child or young person, they need security, stability and the chance to develop and thrive with carers who understand children’s needs and have empathy for their situation.
We are looking for carers who are flexible in their approach and want to provide a child a loving family environment where they feel part of the family.
Foster care is a system in which a child or young person has been placed into due to various circumstances. This could be neglect, abuse, abandonment or they may just not be able to stay with their birth family at a given time due to a member’s health. A fostering household provides a child or young person accommodation to live in a family environment where they are safe, cared for and need meet.
Foster carers will look after children and young people at their home, providing them with everyday normalities, such as; taking them to school, doctors, dentist appointments and making sure they have a healthy and balanced diets.
Foster carers receive their own dedicated social worker to support them throughout their fostering journey. This will be by, attending regular meetings with the foster carer. Have frequent telephone calls and meetings to ensure the foster carer feels supported and needs any additional help. Foster carers receive regular trainings to develop them further. Regular support groups are also held for the opportunity for foster carers to meet other foster carers and share their experiences.
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